Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Admin Trader

2:30pm CST - Fun little 35 question test I found on Trader Gav's blog:

Thank you for taking the Tharp Trader Test!
You are an Administrative Trader
You tend to be practical, realistic, and decisive. You love facts and what you think is concrete. You are good at making sure that things run smoothly. As a result, you are good at organizing projects and people to get things done in the most efficient way possible.

One of Your Trading Strengths - You should have no problem staying with and executing a simple trading system that you feel confident about.

One of Your Trading Challenges - You love the details of trading system analysis and development, but your efforts can be misguided if you are following bad advice.
It seems spot on, so try it out and see what you think! Of course horoscopes are always spot on too!

Just a few trades today and mostly quit after $300. I nearly took some other trades but was content to call it a day. Biggest regret of "trades not taken" was not buying beans at 10.56 in final 15 min. Biggest regret of "trades taken" was the usual, not letting profits run - shorted beans just after open at 10.625 - could have had up to $400 more... But it is not good to have regrets so they are now forgotten!

Net breakdown (contracts traded):
6E -$5(1), RLM $197(1), ZS $107(1)
Net $P/L:300


  1. "As a result, you are good at organizing projects and people to get things done in the most efficient way possible."
    ^^^ There's the "MBA" part

    And here's the "Gearhead" part:
    "You love the details of trading system analysis and development"

    Makes sense :)


    You tend to earn your success by being thorough, methodical, systematic, organized, and dependable. You are also realistic and responsible as long as things make sense for you. You probably decide logically what needs to be done and work toward it little by little until you are finished.

    One of Your Trading Strengths - You should be really good at data analysis/developing business plans especially when someone provides you with the exact steps to take.

    One of Your Trading Challenges - You can be overly critical and only notice the negatives in your trading. If you do not learn to recognize your mistakes, you could become stuck.
