Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wed. 2/09 - eSignal and OEC

1:15pm CST - On the money saving front, eSignal and OpenECry finally got together and allowed OEC trading through the eSignal platform. I will likely not be trading from eSignal but it does now qualify me for the Globex Data Fee-Waiver program. I can now get CME, CBOT, COMEX, NYMEX real-time data for free. ICE is not part of this waiver and I'd have to pay $70/mo. if I wanted that for TF data. (More reasons why the TF is dying a slow, lower volume death!) Before, if I had subscribed to all 4 exchanges, I would be paying $68 x 4 = $272/month! Now I just have the annual eSignal base price of $1380/year + $10/month for extended data with no other subscription fees. eSignal is a great backup data source to have for the rare times when OEC broker feeds go down. Plus I do all my backtesting on eSignal which has years of minute data available or months of tick data.

As for trading, after the grain report release this morning in pre-market, corn, beans, and wheat bids were all indicating a lock limit up potential day. Bids settled down toward open and only corn came close (within 3 cents) to trading at limit up today. Caught an early corn long and bean short and wrapped up day early.

Net breakdown (contracts traded):
ZS $1948(10), ZC $199(5), CL -$104(1)
Net $P/L:2043