Friday, September 29, 2017

Quarter 3 2017 Trading Results


  1. I don't care if you have the best "system" or method ... trading conditions are exceptionally tough ... CL trading a point with no pace or conviction = good luck

    I have been at this for over 17 years and you got to know when to hold back and give nothing to the brokers or the market ... protect your capital

    ANY of the blogs that you follow that say they are hitting it out of the park ask them for one thing ... their audited trading statements

  2. Agree with all, except no need to ask blogs for audited statements as I'm not investing with any of them. I follow along more for ideas, inspiration, entertainment...

  3. agree ... I am not trying to be a dick, but I wish I would have had someone early in my trading career who was honest and blunt ... trading is almost impossible (I am not being negative - just truthful) ... trading should be boring (if it's not there is a problem) ... trading takes much more capital than most traders have (if a trader thinks $250K is enough they're wrong - unless someone else is paying their bills) ... trading is an ebb and flow and changing business ... traders will never get to a point in their career where they can put their "feet on the desk" each day - it takes absolute perfection and extreme dedication in ones daily approach and the approach must constantly evolve ... if I were to do it again I would definitely do something different-from a trader that has 17 years of experience and has had 2 (yes 2) years of profitability
