Friday, June 30, 2017

Quarter 2 2017 Trading Results


  1. I like this blog and I appreciate the honesty presented within, but I am perplexed. Whilst you say you are a full time trader, you have made money in only 2 of the past 7 full years, and it looks like overall your account has gone from 52K USD to 17K USD. How do you survive and pay expenses as fulltime trader, when it seems you have lost money trading? Not trying to criticize but trying to understand - I'd like to be fulltime trader one day. Cheers

    1. Anon, I am in this for the long haul. Due to savings, no debt, no mortgage, and some meager rental income, I am able to get by. I do not trade with money I need anytime soon and expect to eventually be growing my accounts significantly. Perhaps my optimism will be my downfall but I don't care. Life is short. I enjoy the challenge.

  2. my brother-in-law is pretty much the same as you. No debt, no mortgage, no kid and having rental income to live in his 1mil+ penthouse. But he doesn't take on hobby as dangerous as trading. He is doing as much travel as he can and waiting for the day he can't do it anymore then he will sold all his properties, the end.

    1. No $1MM+ penthouse here! I'm actually a fan of the little house movement and minimizing one's material possessions.

  3. "I enjoy the challenge"...that's one problem, when you are finally trading profitably, it will no longer be a challenge and become boring, then what will you do? As long as you lose money, it will continue to be a challenge.

    1. "finally trading profitably" - sounds like a good problem to have! The challenge then will maintaining profitability and adding size.
