Friday, May 11, 2018

No trades

No trades this week and other commitments next week so cobwebs will form here for now....
Interestingly my earlier system (traded faster charts for whole CL session for +6R) would have had 32 trades since 4/30 for $930 net.  Versus my current tweak (slower chart, +5.5R, 2 hours a day only) had just 2 trades for $550.  If I had traded all session it would have been 9 trades for $1330. 

Good weekend/week to all.

1 comment:

  1. MBA, whatever you wrote above is all hypothetical woulda, coulda, shoulda... You are missing out on some really good action (i.e. Tuesday post 8:30 am econ release).

    I don't mean to tout my own horn, but I traded 1 hour and made more than a weekly goal today.

    FYI, I trade mainly CL (that's why I follow your blog) but occasionally dabble in ES, NQ, YM, GC, 6E, ZB and TN.
